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@@<< قسم الدعايه العام >>@@ لمواضيع االدعايه العامه


من إدارة الديوانيه : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أود إحاطتكم أن موقعنا ليس لنشر الدعايات ولهذا إن لم تكن لديك مواضيع عامه يستفيد منها القارئ فنعتذر منك سلفا لو تم إيقاف مشاركاتك     من مكة المكرمه : إقترب العيد وبذلك نهنئكم أجمل التهاني وكل عام وأنتم بخير     من مكه : السلام عليكم كيفكم يا اهل المنتدى الغالين رجعت واتنمى استمر معاكم نفيد ونستفيد ونشوف اخبار لحيفه والقاريه     من الإداره : تم إيقاف العضو سلطان توركي لعدم إلتزامه بتعليمات الديوانيه     من قسم الحوار : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تحيه طيبه للجميع ارفقت رساله في قسم الحوار والنقاش لاصاحب حسابات الدعايه والاعلان ارجو مشاهدتها     من الإيقاف مستمر : وتم إيقاف الشلال الصاعد والغروووب لعدم إلتزامهم بقوانين الموقع     من إيقاف الأعضاء : تم إيقاف مشاركات الأعضاء سمير رامي ولاميس لعدم إلتزامهم بقوانين الموقع     من الإداره : يمنع منعا باتا الكتابه عبر أقسام المجموعة الأولى في الديوانيه وسيتم حذف من يتجاهل هذه التعليمات     من الإداره : للعلم لا يسمح بالمشاركه في مجموعة الأقسام الأولى بالديوانيه وسيتم حذف من يكب بها حذفا نهائيا     من أبها البهية : كل عام وانتم بخير     من الأخت سحر بحري : الأخت سحر بحري ... السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وأرجو قراءة رساله خاصه مرسله لك على الخاص وإفادتي     من جده : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته اعتذر عن هذا الأنقطاع وتبقى ديوانيتنا الحبيبة تشبه مسقط الرأس مهما طالت الغيبة لا يد من العودة والشهر علينا وعليكم مبارك     من تنبيه : آيات علي ... إن لم تلتزمي بمواقع المواضيع فسيتم حذفك من الموقع نهائياً     من تعليمات : أي عضو لا يلتزم بإنزال مواضيعه في الأقسام الخاصه بها سيحذف ويمنع تكرار الموضوع في أكثر من قسم     من التسجيل متوقف : تم ألغاء التسجيل في هذا الموقع لعدم إلتزام الأعضاء بتعليمات الديوانيه ومنها وضع المشاركات في الأقسام الخاصه بها     من الإداره : تم حذف جميع المواضيع التي لم تنزل في أقسامها والمكرره في أكثر من قسم     من الإداره : الورد الكسير .... تم حذف مواضيعك لعدم الإلتزام بالأقسام الخاصه بها     من الإداره : الأخت سحر بحري ... مواضيعك جيده ومفيده ... أشكرك واستمري وفقك الله     من الإداره هام جداً : يجب طرح الموضوع في القسم الذي يلائمه كالرياضي في القسم الرياض والديني في قسم الدين والصحي في الصحه والتجاري في الإتصاد والدعائي في قسم الدعايه وسيتم الحذف فوراً لمن لا يلتزم     من : الأخوة الأعضاء أكثر مواضيعكم بل كلها غير مفيده وهي دعائيه وهنناك قسم للدعايه أنشأناه لهذا الغرض وسيتم حذف أي مشاركه لا يتلائم موضوعها مع القسم الذي تطرح فيه ... كنا نقوم بنقلها والآن سنقوم بحذفها    

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 28-01-2022, 08:49 AM
محمد ألتركي

افتراضي ZPRGD Ginseng from Prof Rushwan 00201155501395

Prof. Rushwan’s Wild Ginseng
40 years in wild!

ZPRGD Ginseng is one of the most beautiful things that Professor Rushwan's laboratories have provided from the original ginseng and its extracts under the supervision of Professor Rushwan Why did Professor Rashwan choose the original ginseng for Egypt: The Professor tells us an interesting story about the opium war “two wars” that were imposed by England on China. Either your Chinese satiation will turn into slaves of addiction or face military destruction - the equation is not far from some of the arrows directed at Egypt - Well, not only The Chinese only used their entire production but the production of neighboring countries to treat addiction and return the person to his original state with an internally washed body, and the idea succeeded Now on the other side of the globe the stock has rebounded to the point of legalizing marijuana and cannabis in Western societies, turning their citizens into new slaves. In the midst of the covid crisis, Professor Rashwan's ginseng was a key factor, praise be to God, in treating many of the Bank of Technology's clients against covid-19 - ginseng succeeded The unextracted sediments from the effects of Israeli pesticides on Egyptian farm lands are worse than the mines of previous wars and generate incurable diseases for the Egyptian people - Ginseng has a long history of removing toxins from the bloodstreams

Here are some of the most remarkable benefits of ZPRGD Ginseng herbal medicine for your mind and body:

1. Combats Viral Infections
Research shows that ginseng may possess the potential to play the role of an “adaptogen”. Ginseng prolongs life by fighting Pseudomonas aeruginosa and viral infections. Research has continuously supported the protective role of ginseng against anticancer drugs and treatments, and its ability to counter chemotherapy’s side effects. Besides, ginseng is used to prevent abuse and dependence on psychostimulants and opioids.
2. Reduces Cholesterol and Blood Sugar
The regulating effects of Panax ginseng on the immune system have been studied in western herbal medicine to find potential effectiveness in protecting against colds, flu, and a few forms of cancer. ZPRGD Ginseng has been found to reduce blood levels of cholesterol and sugar in clinical studies. Hence, the herb may help in the treatment of high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. However, other potential uses of ginseng are not defined. In separate studies of humans and laboratory animals, Panax ginseng created a relaxing effect upon muscles in lungs. This resulted in airway expansion, which may help relieve the symptoms of asthma and other conditions of lungs that are results of constricted airways.

3. Slows Down Aging
ZPRGD Ginseng Red Ginseng (Asian ginseng grown in Korea and then steamed and dried) comprises anti-aging substances like antioxidants and insulin-like substances that are not available in any other kind of ginseng. It also helps supply blood flow to the internal organs, through capillaries which normally shrink as we age, allowing for better bodily performance and organ health.


4. Protects from Cancer
This herb consists of anti-tumor properties and offers protection against some types of cancer like stomach, ovarian, pancreatic, liver, and lung cancers. Smokers taking ginseng have a lower risk of the usual cancers related to smoking compared to the smokers not taking it. Ginseng also offers better outcomes for patients with breast cancer, like better life quality and improved rates of survival. The herb offers cancer patients increased energy as well as stimulates their appetite.
5. Enhances Strength, Endurance, and Energy
One of the most well-known health benefits of ginseng is that it boosts energy. The herb has been employed to enhance stamina and strength for hundreds of years. ZPRGD Ginseng is beneficial for healthy individuals who intend to boost their physical performance as well as those coping up with any disease-based fatigue. The boosts in mental energy offered by ginseng are smooth, quite unlike that given by coffee. It would not make you crash or jittery. The herbal medicine has been found to lower fatigue and boost energy in patients of cancer. Ginseng is also a useful herbal remedy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The herb has been useful equally in cases of unexplained chronic fatigue.
6. Lowers Stress
Ginseng is employed to both relax and stimulate the nervous system. The herb boosts capillary circulation in brain and reduces stress effects. Although ginsengs come in several types in the world, however, Asian ginseng or ZPRGD Ginseng leads in terms of medicinal effects and ingredients. ZPRGD Ginseng comprises about 29 different ginsenosides whereas the other types contain about 8–9.
7. Improves Mental Performance and Memory
Ginseng serves as a brain protector and booster. The herbal medicine can boost your mental performance and concentration ability. Since it is an antioxidant, the herb protects vulnerable brain cells from free radical damage. Moreover, it prevents memory loss and safeguards against mental decline related to age. Having Panax ginseng root for 12 weeks regularly can boost mental performance of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. ZPRGD Ginseng also boosts memory in case of stroke patients. When Ginkgo biloba and ginseng are combined in a brain supplement, a synergistic effect is created, thereby enhancing short-term memory as well as minimizing ADHD symptoms.

8. Boosts Mental Well-Being and Mood
ZPRGD Ginseng results in a relaxed yet alert state of mind, quite similar to what you experience after drinking green tea. The benefits of ginseng often reported by study participants are: better energy and enhanced overall well-being, better sleep, better sex life, and enhanced personal satisfaction. The herb finds its use in treatment of both depression and anxiety.
9. Helps in Kicking the Habit
Panax ginseng is helpful for lowering the depression and anxiety that occurs during withdrawal from different addictive substances, from nicotine to morphine. It is also an effective herbal remedy for hangover caused by drinking a lot.
10. Improves Sexual Function
For a long time, ginseng has been used to improve sexual function and libido in men as well as women. In traditional medicine of China, the herb is considered as an aphrodisiac and is employed for restoring sexual function in men. ZPRGD Ginseng red ginseng has been especially helpful for men with erectile dysfunction, and the herb has helped in about 60% of cases. Women can benefit from the herb for unwanted menopause symptoms, such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and low libido. Key to the usefulness of ginseng as a sexual health support herb is its ability to combat stress, help promote healthy blood circulation (in men and women), and its contribution to bodily stamina.


الدكتور محمد الزمزمي
رئيس لجنة العلاقات العامة ببنك التقنيات الدولي
والحاصل على درجة التآخي مع البروفسور رشـــوان
Dr. Hamed A. Mohamed Rushwan, B.Sc-B.A.T.S, Ph.D.
كورسات البروفسور رشـــــوان المجانية - عشرة ملايين تحميل حول العالم
كتالوج قطاع النياجرا الصحي ببنك التقنيات
منتجات تقنية النانو العلاجية من بنك التقنيات
قطاع النشر والإعلام ببنك التقنيات الدولي
حقيبة رشــوان - الإختراع الذي من أجله إعتقلت عمان البروفسور رشــــوان
طواف رشـــوان - هوفركرافت الإنقاذ الذي منعته السعودية و ضحت بعشرات الآلاف في السيول

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